
Friday, November 4, 2011

Pee trained

I broke.  I decided that I was sick to death of spending a gazillion dollars on pull-ups.  G was going into underpants during the day, and if I had to clean up pee on my floor for the rest of time, then so be it.  I bought him some Star Wars underpants to get him going and told him he was in charge---if he had to pee, he should let me know.

On Sunday he peed on the potty for the first time ever.  There was much celebrating in the powder room---hugs and kisses and I might have shrieked, "I am SO PROUD OF YOU!!"  The remainder of Sunday he leaked a few times.
He hasn't leaked since.
He has stayed dry at night (all night) and woken me up during the night to pee.
He is still pooping in his underpants but I can handle this, especially since he (unlike his sister when she was bowel-training) doesn't sit in it, squooshing it into the underwear and making it impossible to get out with an easy flip over the toilet bowl.

Almost a week in, the excitement of seeing pee come out of his penis has waned for me, but not him.  He likes having me as his audience so we can high-five and knuckle-knock and he can ask, "Are you so proud of me?"

In addition to letting him pick out a big pack of Cars 2 underpants, I also bought him a car transporter/carrying case toy as a reward for doing so well and his Mamaw took him shopping today for a "G is Totally Rocking the Potty" gift.

Normally I don't like the idea of buying gifts as rewards for the kids, but I am levitating with excitement at the prospect of having a little extra cash every month.  

1 comment:

Keri said...

Yay!!!!! Go, G!!!! I know this is such a relief for you.