
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Duct tape years

I had never heard of the Duct Tape years until Giselle mentioned it in her blog.  D and I are well into these years, having just begun our 15th year of marriage on Nov 1.  We have been in this house for 10 of those.

Our refrigerator, which we purchased a few months before we married, is somehow clinging to life, but I am waiting for it to conk out any day.  The microwave has had a nice run of acting normally but then yesterday started making the noise associated with heating food without actually heating the food (which it is wont to do every so often).  It has been years since I could put dishwasher detergent in the detergent cup, close the lid and have it actually pop open during the proper cycle to efficiently clean the dishes.  The oven seems to be doing ok, although some of the porcelain surround was nicked off when a heavy glass crockpot lid landed on it.

I continue to save money in our "Home/Car Repair" account because I just know that all the appliances will bite the dust on the same weekend, prompting us to deplete the account and possibly have to resort to selling plasma in order to purchase new stuff.

I know the windows will need replacing before too long since they weren't very good to begin with.  The idea of replacing the roof makes my heart heavy.

I can't count the number of times I've had our vacuums repaired---new hoses, new cords, new belts.  I lovingly gaze at Dysons at Target, knowing full well mine will just have to keep on keepin' on for awhile longer.

The towels we were given as wedding presents are faded and stained.  The clock--also a wedding gift--ticked its last tock a weekend or two ago.

And what has not grown old on its own has been destroyed by our children.

We make due with much of what we have because we I am cheap and figure if an appliance still sorta works then that means its usefulness hasn't been totally depleted.   We also make due because there are often more pressing needs like diapers and the endless supply of cheese slices and Triscuit crackers our children devour in an afternoon.

Just as I groan now upon getting out of bed in the morning, moving a little more slowly than I did 10 or 15 years ago, all the knicks and knacks and furnishings and whatnots I've surrounded myself with for those years are doing the same.  

1 comment:

Keri said...

Jerry Seinfeld did a bit in his live show a couple years ago about how every single item you bring into your house is on a slow, inevitable march to the trash heap. So true, and you're right, after 10 years in a home, the *bigger* items are getting pretty daggone close to it...

If your microwave keeps doing the thing where it acts like it's heating stuff but it's not, talk to Dion. He repaired ours quite simply a couple years ago when it was doing the same thing. Just ordered a small part and fixed it himself. D is an engineer -- he should be able to figure it out with Dion's brief instructions, I would think.