How long did my nips hurt?
It makes me feel tremendously better to read these posts because it gives me hope that my nipples will not, in fact, fall off my body. It gives me hope that both my skin and my psyche will adjust and toughen up.
However, reading these posts also makes me remember the following:
1. I am a wuss.
2. I am a whiner.
3. I clearly have synapse problems because I can't remember shit.
I think we are programed to forget that stuff or why the hell would we sign up to do it again???
Ha! I have this experience all the time with my blog. I convince myself that Lily is completely a psycho-path, and she is headed for the insane asylum, and then I read about Andrew at 3...and I am instantly reassured that he was ALSO this insane.
And, if it makes you feel better, I have already forgotten how terrible the first 6 months were with Michael. I read my blog entries, and I am brought back to the juggling of 3 kids, with one not able to be put down for 2 seconds, the marathon sessions of GSN because I was only sleeping 3 hours a night, etc etc. It somehow fades, so you get to the point where you actually miss the little cuddly baby stage. Or maybe that is just because that baby is climbing onto the counters, and pulling out plugs, and eating chalk, and DEAR GOD STOP CHEWING ON CRAYONS.
I think of you every day...
You are probably one of the least wussy people I have met, a whiner maybe - but not a wuss ;) I say that lovingly from one whiner to another.
Oops, I forgot to put my name on that anonymous comment.
P.S. I apparently can't remember anything either.
I have to tell ya...reading all about your sore nipples makes me realize I should have been MUCH more appreciative each time that mine DIDN'T get sore. I guess I never really knew that was a possibility, and if I had, I would have spent more time being grateful for it.
Maybe I should have a 4th, so that I can revel in my pleasantly un-painful nipples...
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