
Saturday, November 21, 2009


This morning N and I did a wee bit of the Give Thanks. Walk. for St. Jude's Children's Hospital. It didn't take me long to feel tired given my early morning parties with M, and N wanted to jump in the inflatables instead of going around the walking track multiple times. It was a good morning for a 5-year-old, all things considered: Krispy Kreme doughnut, coloring book, and jumping in an inflatable. We stopped in to visit Papaw at his home and Mamaw at the tennis shop afterwards.

Doing the walk, plus next week's holiday, has me thinking about all the things for which I am thankful, but I have been trying to think of all the little things, the subtle things that often slip by when one starts counting their blessings.

1. This week when I went for my 6-week postpartum check and overheard a doctor talking about Clomid, I was thankful that I was able to get pregnant with my 3 children easily, without needing hormones and drugs and tests and technology. I am thankful I didn't have the worry of infertility.

2. I am thankful my parents stressed a strong work ethic, frugality and budgeting, and education as they were raising me, and I hope I do a halfway decent job of passing these values onto my children. In the midst of an economic crisis, it eases my mind to know we have savings and aren't in debt.

3. I am thankful that I have my mom's "youthful" genes. When folks say I haven't aged (much) since high school, and my pregnancy pounds slip off fairly easily, it helps me from feeling frumpled and funky, which is easy to do as a stay-at-home mom since I have no reason to brush my hair, put on makeup, or wear nice clothes that will become poop, puke, and piss-stained.

4. I am thankful that my OCD doesn't involve hoarding. I hate clutter. Even though obsessing is a real pain, at least I can keep that to myself. My children will learn the benefits of neatness and organization, which I think will help them in the long run.

5. I am thankful that my husband has low wife standards and doesn't balk about my non-sexy underwear and pajamas, my middling cooking skills, and my grouchy moods.

Of course I am also thankful for the BIG things: my family's good health, our home, and the fact that we are only modestly disfunctional.

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