
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fat boy slim

M is getting chubbier every day, and I love it. He is just feeling increasingly solid.

I am starting to like the little bugger, which is nice, because for weeks now I have merely been doing what Mother Nature intended----meeting his basic needs. There hasn't been much cuddling, cooing or canoodling (on my end). Tiredness and sore boobies do that to a person.

But seeing him get chunky as a result of those sore boobies makes me feel like it isn't all for naught.

And he has cooed a couple of times and is starting to do those fake little smiles which are totally preemptive spit-ups, but they are cute anyway. And make me feel like he appreciates his momma a little bit. A very little bit, but I'll take the scraps he throws me.

I have begun thinking a wee bit about how I will decorate the boys' room sometime in 2010, although not in specifics. I won't start thinking specifics until after M turns 6 months old, and I feel more comfortable that we've gotten through the SIDS window. I'm just edgy until my babies can roll over in their cribs. Not that we are anywhere near crib time.

We've got a long way to go, baby.

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