
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Too much

Too much stuff in the house now as a result of Christmas.  Virtually every update on Facebook was about how everyone doesn't know what to do with the clutter.  Hmmmm, let's not shop as much at Christmas.  I know.  That's just crazy talk, isn't it?

Even though I cut back, it really makes no difference because the kids got a total of 15 toys/gifts on Christmas Eve from family members, plus more on Christmas Day from Mamaw.  And we haven't yet celebrated with my family due to all the rampant illness.  D's aunt sent us $50 to buy the kids something, and I think that something may end up being savings bonds.

Too much illness.  We spent yesterday afternoon, the entire afternoon, at the pediatric acute care center where N was diagnosed with a double ear infection and strep, and G has a slight case of croup.  M is congested, so when he cries it is the kind that makes no sound.  I hate it.  I am over my stomach bug that made me see entirely too much of my bathrooms on Christmas Day (and reminded me just how shitty, and I mean that literally, it was for my dad to battle ulcerative colitis for 20 years).

Too much food.  The sweet kind that I need to stop eating if I want to lose my pregnancy weight.  I'm certainly in no great hurry to lose it, but a mountain of cookies is just not a good thing.  (Ok, it's a GREAT thing.  What am I talking about?????)

1 comment:

Keri said...

Okay, I'm either more organized than I thought, or my kids are deprived of gifts, because I'm not feeling overwhelmed by what they received. I know pretty much exactly where their presents will go when they're put away. Hey, that makes me feel like all of my efforts to simplify and pare back have actually worked!