
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Not really "fun" but needed anyway

Today I went shopping for some new clothes.  Well not technically new, but "new to me."

Since everything I own gets snot, slobber or various other bodily excretions on it on an almost daily basis, in addition to dust, dirt and mud from shoe bottoms and a variety of food particulates, namely cheesy poof crumbs, I don't put a high priority on buying brand new or expensive clothing.  But when I see that my shirts are developing holes or I feel I am having to do my own laundry more frequently, I head out to local consignment stores.

The good things about consignment stores is that I can find items cheap, and the jeans have already been worn-in sufficiently.  The bad thing is that I have to try on everything because every brand's sizes are a little different which makes my preferred shopping method of "walk in, scan the store for something I like, and walk out if it doesn't pop out immediately" unsuitable.

Plato's Closet was good to me today---3 pairs of jeans, a pair of yoga pants, a hoodie jacket, and 2 long-sleeve shirts for $75.  I had hoped to find something a little festive to wear to D's company Christmas party, but the dresses I tried on were either entirely too short or clingy.   Having had 3 babies makes abdominal fabric clinginess not terribly appealing.

I had to stop for cat food before heading home, so I dropped into Dots, which sells brand new items.  Now the clothing was nice and reasonably priced, but the clientele at this particular store on this particular day---a little scary.  But not scary enough to prevent me from purchasing 3 "casual for anyone else but dressy for me" tops.  I have had 2 occasions now where I've wanted to dress up a little nicer for dinner out with friends and have nothing non-stained or faded to wear.

The biggest problem I had at Dots was trying to figure out how some of the tops were to be worn.  That is a bad sign, isn't it?  A clear indication from the gods that I wasn't meant to be a fashion icon?  When I have to ask the saleperson, "Um, how exactly does this here blouse-thingie work?"

Those 3 tops set me back $53, which leaves me almost $50 still sitting in my clothing budget for some other time in the future...after I've recovered from this shopping adventure.

D asked me if I had fun.  Shopping for clothing for me is never fun, but it was extremely nice to be able to shop without the distraction of keeping children plied with Goldfish and raisins in a vain attempt to delay a tantrum.

1 comment:

Keri said...

I know what you mean about shopping not being fun, but still being somewhat, kind of, enjoyable, simply because you're alone and not responsible for anyone else's state of contentment or satisfaction.

Even though I hate grocery shopping, I do it alone, so that makes it kind of nice. (Plus, I "pay" myself for the task. I use grocery money to buy a latte every week to sip on while I shop. Makes it more enjoyable!)