
Saturday, January 9, 2010

I doan yike it

This is G's new favorite phrase, and I think I am going to adopt it as my new motto for all things related to my life at the moment.

I doan yike all this illness.  G was much better today than yesterday, but he fought his nap (which is either related to his illness or a new toddler phase) and still had numerous "I wan sit in momyap" (I want to sit in Mommy's lap) clingy moments.  Today would have rated as outstanding if I wasn't so darn wiped out emotionally from caring for sick kids for weeks and weeks and weeks.

I doan yike this cold and snow.  It will be great once the kids are all older and able to get out in it together.  But with G sickly and M a baby, it makes it quite difficult to get N outside, and she is biting at the fucking bit to get outside at least 40 times a day.  We managed 3 yesterday (with Nana and Pa's help) and 3 times today with Mommy or Daddy.

I doan yike it when M has a bad night, which he had last night.  I felt like a damn yo-yo.  Up and down with him.  He must be going through a growth spurt because he is nursing, nursing, nursing.  But, my god, he will be the size of a 3-year-old within a month if he keeps this up.  He is honking huge.  I wish I could give some of his chunkiness to his brother.

I doan yike feeling so blah.  Being stuck inside, sickness, cold, snow, little sunlight.

Heaven help me make it through the next 2 months.

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