
Thursday, September 15, 2011

The funny/sweet and also sorta annoying things about nursing an almost 2-year-old

I just saw a cool link on FB about breastmilk, which jarred my memory that I had something I wanted to blog about---the continued nursing of the 23-month-old kid.

Most of the time M says "Naaah" when he wants to nurse, although sometimes he says "Urse."  When he wants to switch sides he says "uss."

Today G's playgroup met over here.  Apparently, it was Super Suckle Day as well.  Not knowing M's nursing lingo, my friends asked, "How do you know that he wants to nurse?"  I said, "If he's laying in my lap bugging the hell out of me, that's how I know."

I definitely have my moments when I am like, "This extended nursing is for the birds," but then I see the aforementioned cool poster or I remember that he's my last baby and once he is done, that is it.  No more sweet baby cuddles in my arms, snuggling up to my chest.  M seems far younger and more babyish than G or N did at the same age, and I think a big part of this is because he is still breastfeeding.

M's language is in the process of exploding.  Every day he is saying or attempting to say new words.  Evidently, since nursing time equals relaxing time, it gives M a chance to remember all the important words he would like to say to me.

Like "Bite."  He doesn't bite me, but he sticks his fingers up near my mouth, detaches from the nipple and says, "Bite."

Or "Isss (kiss) Toes."  He detaches, speaks and then nearly jams his foot up my snout.

Sometimes he detaches, waves his arm in a circular motion over his head and says, "Rahw n rahw" (round and round) as he looks up at the spinning ceiling fan.

Other times he looks up at the plaques above the chair and the knickknacks on the shelf, detaches and then says "Tie" (tiger), "Baby" and "Orse" (horse).

Beyond the verbiage that makes extended nursing even more extensive, breastfeeding an almost 2-year-old can also be mistaken for "Toddler Wrestling With Mom."  He doesn't do this while actually nursing, but when climbing onto my lap to get settled to nurse or switching sides.  The gymnastics are something else--- rearing back, jumping, shaking my shoulders.

I tell D that M will probably be the smartest and healthiest of our kids because he has nursed so long, although he could end up being most well-adjusted because he is the third child and we've just sorta figured a lot of parenting stuff out.  (Or simply given up.)

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