
Friday, April 30, 2010

Snip and tuck

Ok, I wasn't in the room, so I don't know if anything was tucked, but things were snipped today.  Hubby is "recovering" in the basement.  How bad can it possibly be, though?  His X-box, not having to contend with the kids, narcotics for pain.  And I'm trying to leave him alone and be nice.

I'd say it is almost a little slice of heaven for him.

He knew he would get no sympathy from me when I suggested the other day that afterwards we could compare scars.  Mind you, I appreciated his anxiety over the "Friday procedure" and knew it would cause discomfort.  But I've made my mental list of all things reproductive with which he and I have had to contend throughout our relationship.


  • Pap smears every year since age....18, I guess.  Nothing like having your innards mangled by a speculum.
  • Birth control pills every single day and all the moodiness/nausea/loss of libido that ensues from those.
  • Morning sickness 3 times....the longest bout lasting a full 11 weeks.  The others ranging from 4 - 7 weeks.
  • Being induced with pitocin and laboring unmedicated for 8+ hours.
  • Having my clitoris tear during delivery (I kept saying I felt myself tearing to the doctor and she was like, "You're fine."  Yep, my perineum was fine.  The upside was SOOOOO not).
  • Numerous ovarian cysts when coming off birth control in an effort to conceive G.  
  • Having an excruciatingly painful external cephalic version performed on me to try to get G out of breech position.
  • Cesarean section to deliver G when ECV didn't work and 6 weeks of recovery.
  • Cesarean section to deliver M and 6 weeks of recovery.  
  • Infected c-section incision following birth of M, requiring lancing of nice pus bubble.
  • Enduring bleeding and cracked nipples 3 times for up to 3 months while getting breastfeeding established.


  • Two little incisions on his testicles requiring 2 days worth of pain pills.

Yeah, no sympathy from me, baby.


Swistle said...

And---AND---after my C-SECTIONS, my OB sent me home with 1.5 days' worth of pain pills!!!! Then when I called for more ("Hi, remember me, you cut a HUGE HOLE in my stomach less than a week ago?") they suggested Tylenol. TYLENOL!!!! Meanwhile doctors hand out PLENTY OF NARCOTICS for the REAL pain of a Man Snip!!! AAAAAAAAAA!!!

Katy said...

I think "torn clitoris" is a TKO--there's really nothing you can say after that. Nothing. I'm wincing at my computer right now.

Redheadlaw7 said...

You go girl! I made it through one emergency c-section and one planned. I was on bedrest for 5 months with each. Ugh.

I read this post and a few others. Great writing! I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog www.redheadlaw7:Getting your mommy groove back.I think we've experienced a few of the same things. And I'd love to be able to put you on my blog roll! Thanks,