
Saturday, October 11, 2008

What mamma will try to avoid tubes

G has another double ear infection. DAMMIT! I knew something was wrong when he slept last night straight through from 7:30 pm to 6:30 am. Most normal kids keep their parents awake at night when they are sick and sleep better when they are well. I'm just gonna blame all the weird shit G does his entire life on me taking antidepressants while pregnant.

The pediatrician told me we are in the gray area of ear infections and tubes, as in, he's not shipping us off to an ENT, but there's not a whole lot to be done given the family history of ear problems, sinus issues and allergies. I guess this is one time when I'm happy to be middling.

He did suggest I try JuicePlus with G, after I told him I will try anything to avoid tubes. It is pretty expensive, but given our way high deductible, it is probably a bargain if it works. JuicePlus is basically like 17 dehydrated fruits/veggies crammed into capsules or gummies. I figure I can give it a whirl, maybe give G the full dose since he's the sickly one, and give N half doses. I told D it is supposed to give more energy, so he is all for taking it as well. We get rid of Directv to save some dough, and then I get my whole family hooked on JuicePlus.

I am such a sucker for health-promoting fads. Back when I got Prevention mag, my blood pressure would go up while reading because I would think, "I need to eat 40 more fruits/veggies a day, and exercise 200 times a week, and get every known scan known to man to ensure that I am the healthiest person on the face of the Earth." And JuicePlus is kinda on that same order, like the most perfect thing one can do to promote one's health (or at least that is the way it is advertised). So it feeds into my health anxieties as well as my obsessiveness. I am totally gung-ho and ready to purchase a lifetime supply, pinning all of my hopes on these little capsules keeping G from every getting another ear infection. (And it will also allow me and mine to live forever in state of permanent youthfulness.)

But, courtesy of my meds and therapy, there is the more realistic, non-anxious, non-obsessive side of me that says, "Try it for 4 months and see how it goes. It might help G from getting so many ear infections or not. But try it. And don't expect a magic bullet."

So I am trying to temper my enthusiasm and hope with a decent shot of reality. I am willing to give JuicePlus a whirl. I am not willing to sell my husband for the night to some really rich chick in Las Vegas for a million bucks. Or am I? Hmmmmm. A million bucks would buy a lot of JuicePlus.


Anonymous said...

to avoid tubes try the eardoc

the best thing for Ear infection or swimmers ear is the eardoc. With the Eardoc there relay inst any problem. as it is non invasive and it treats the problem and not the symptoms

Anonymous said...

Aren't ear infections generally caused by the shape of the eardrums- they are too narrow to let the fluid drain properly? (which explains genetics...) Doesn't seem like anything else would stop the infections until the child's ear grows (i.e. save your money?)

Keri said...

I'm certainly no expert on the whole ear thing since, as I told you last week, we had our first ear infection in the family after 4+ years of children. But I say, if you have the money to spend on JuicePlus, it's surely not going to do any harm. And with cold and flu season coming on, I'm working on ramping up all of our immune systems as much as possible. On that note, don't forget yogurt, or probiotics. Most of the immune system is centralized in the gut, according, I think I heard Dr. Oz say it. Wherever I heard it, I know it was a reputable source.