
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Things a big boy does

* G's party was typical 1-year-old fare. He didn't care a durn about any of it, although he really likes all the cars he got. N and his 3 older cousins opened most of his gifts and provided most of the noise/entertainment. When it came time to do the cake, G grabbed the cake, getting bright yellow icing all over his paws, proceeded to smack my nephew in the ear with his icing hands, and then wouldn't have a thing to do with his cake. Cried until I gave him some blueberries. Weird kid.

* He isn't much on baby signs, but he is vocalizing enough that I am understanding him. He screams "Aaaaaaaah" for cat and "Daaaaaawwwww" for dog (today he saw a dog at the park and screamed "Daaaaawww" the entire walk from our car to the dog, which took forever on his little legs). He clicks his tongue when he wants to eat. He says "Mama" and "Daddy." And he has tried to say "Nite, nite," which sounds like "Niy, Niy."

* Has cut his first molar (man....what a bitch that was).

* Annoying habit #1-- when I give him food that he doesn't want he takes his hand and waves the food off his tray, launching it across the room. Aggghhhhh! I just mopped, dammit! N was a dainty little eater, and G is a caveman.

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