
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Things we're into

Each of the kids has been getting into new and exciting things of late.  Here's a recap starting with the youngest:

He's sitting up pretty well now, which opens up an exciting new world of play......

Specifically with his penis.  YEAH PENIS!!!

Then there's the eldest child.  At 6, she is becoming exceptionally well versed in drama, attitude and unspoken language, as seen above.

Oh yes, and then there is the "Taking Over All Stuff Belonging to Mom," such as the ipod and my socks.

Finally, there is Mr. 2-Years-Old who is at the wonderful stage of getting into everything (and getting stuck) and developing his own unique personality.  

Ah, not stuck, just entirely too big for this.  He walks around the room in the jumper.  

And there's his newest fashion accessory that he wants to wear EVERYWHERE--his crocodile boots.  

Scaring the bejesus out of his baby brother.  

His new best friend and sleeping partner, Susan, also known as Ginormica.

And his increasing awareness of his bodily functions, requiring me to check for poops 18 times a day.  

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