
Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's the 2:00 a.m. Report

Here it is, 2:23 a.m. on Friday, May 14th, and I am wide awake.  Again.

On the way home from my abs class yesterday, I got a call that N was sick at school, so I shlepped over there to retrieve her.  By late afternoon her fever was pushing 103.

Just 20 minutes ago, she woke me up.  I'm not sure if she woke me up for herself or because G wanted me, but she has been a Chatty Kathy, yammering on about what she wants for breakfast ("an egg and a sandwich, please"), that's she is hot and wants to change into a nightgown, and, when I commented on how talkative she is, about a boy in her class who got in trouble yesterday for talking.

Her talk coupled with me having to get ibuprofen, check what time the clinic hours are at D's work for tomorrow, set my alarm clark to ensure we can get to the clinic in the early morning (hopefully), and rock G for a minute has left me......

Everyone all together now..... WIDE.FRACKIN.AWAKE.

There is only so much stimulation my brain can take before the ON switch is flipped up.  It will take a little while for it to slowly flip down again.

And I'm sure that is when M will awaken for his early morning nursing session.

Based on the size of her tonsils and pain in her waist (abdomen), I feel about 99% certain she has strep throat.  And it hasn't affected her ability to chat me up.

1 comment:

Momisodes said...


I'm so sorry.

I hope she feels better soon, and that you finally get some sleep too.