
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The things that boy says

Ok, so I really love the developmental stage between 16-36 months.  Kids this age are just so cute.  Everything is new and exciting, and they truly say the funniest things.  Here's some of what G has been saying:

1. G cannot say the "Gr" sound.  So when he says his name it sounds like he's saying a drawn-out, Southern version of "damn," as in "Day-yum."  At N's birthday party on Sunday, when Mr. Bill asked around the circle for kids to say their names, G pointed to his chest and yelled loudly, "I Day-yum."

2. I guess due to the excitement of N's party on Sunday (and a newly runny nose), G fought taking a nap.  So on Monday, I thought I'd have him lay with me on my bed.  He was all squirrelly, flopping around like a fish.  I told him to stop talking so we could go to sleep.  He was quiet and still for all of 37 seconds before he said, "Mommy, I not talkin'."  Way to keep it shut, buddy!

3. Whenever we pass the Golden Arches, he says, "There's Old McDonald."

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