
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How can these people possibly be having sex?

Today, while waiting in line at the Disney Store, I began a conversation with an obviously pregnant woman who said she is due in May.  She also said she had 2 other kids at home---ages 3 and 14 months.  I generally feel like Superwoman until I meet someone like her, who's 3 children are much, much closer in age than mine.

Whenever I meet women with numerous very, very closely spaced kids. I always, always want to ask the following question which is:  How in the holy hell did you have the desire and/or energy to have sex when your babies were under a year old????

Because I am perfectly content to be in a celibate marriage at the moment.  Hubby is not into it because he is scared that I'll get pregnant again.  I am not into it because....drumroll, please....

1. My breasts are getting plenty of action all day long.

2. My breasts are getting plenty of action all night long too.

3. Said nighttime action interrupts sleep, which makes me have no energy to have sex.

4. Did you know nursing hormones dampen a woman's sex drive?

5. Did you know that caring for 2 little boys all day long, and a 6-year-old from late afternoon on, also plays a role in low sex drive?  As in, I feel too exhausted, smelly and frumpy to want to have sex?

So in addition to preventing ovulation, breastfeeding zaps my energy, meets all my needs for physical comfort, and produces hormones that make arousal darn near impossible.  

Which makes me think that the women I meet who get pregnant with Irish twins or with babies only slightly more than 1 year apart, do not breastfeed.  Because not breastfeeding makes one menstruate really soon after birth, like even six weeks after delivery.  I didn't menstruate with N until she was 11 months old, and with G it was 13 months until Aunt Flo visited.  Who knows how long I'll go with M?

Of course, these women could just be anomalies who genuinely do like sex OR they are nice to their husbands and do it just because their dudes want to.  Thankfully, I am not in those categories.


Muser Grace said...

Hmmm...well, I only have one child, but some of mamas do respond very strangely to breastfeeding hormones. I breastfed pretty much exclusively and still started my period at 6 weeks postpartum and then again at 8 weeks. And I have never been so horny as I was
1) when I was pregnant
2) in the first few months after SparkleEyes' birth and
3) when I was really, really depressed...

so, umm, yeah, maybe they're just strange like me in the sex department! :) Or maybe they just really wanted to have kids really close together and so got right on the ttc band-wagon as soon as possible...

BTW, I still think you're superwoman--to have 3 kids and do all you do, I can hardly imagine! You go!

Jenny said...

Hi:-D I just started reading your blog...and it is really cute and witty! I just wanted to kids are all less than 2 years apart, I breastfed each until age 2 (well, not the youngest..he's only 5mos :-D)I breastfed while pregnant, I've breastfed 2 at a time, and I still got pregnant twice, while nursing, and while my then baby was under age 1! I totally think you are still a super woman-- I've just started reading, but holy cow woman! You really are! I just wanted to comment, because you most definitely can get pregnant whilst breastfeeding. ((I don't like in real life when people assumeI formula feed because my kids are close together, when in fact I've been breastfeeding literally for 4 years non-stop))
Keep up the superwomanness! I love your blog and can't wait to read more!