
Sunday, October 7, 2007

Exposing Myself

No, this post doesn't have a thing to do this breastfeeding in public and being reprimanded by Applebee's employees.

It is about having sent the link to my blog to various family members so they could read about G's birth story (and all the other sundry details of my life).

My mom checked out my blog, which is a little weird. She has always known I am a nut-job, but I think reading my thoughts is a little too much for her. She thinks I am bonkers for worrying about how good of a mom I'm being to N and G. I don't know if this is because she thinks I am such a good mom that I have no reason to second-guess myself or because it is just fruitless to stew over everything the way I do (or maybe it is a combination of both).

Anyway, as I've noted before, this blog is therapy for me so that I don't have to go to my therapist and drop $58 per week. It is critical for me to get my thoughts down where I can read them and process them rationally. Plus, since so many of my issues are mom-related, it gives my mom friends a place to offer support, and, Lord knows, I need all I can get.

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