
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Crafty Cretaceous Period

G has become fascinated with dinosaurs.  Given my "inch wide, mile deep" philosophy, I have tried to immerse him in dinosaur books from the library.  He and I have watched some of the BBC documentary "Walking With Dinosaurs," and I even found a CD of dinosaur songs.  

One of the books I reserved from the library was this one.  

G begged me to make some of the backgrounds, and so with my Michael's 40% off coupon for display board, old paintbrushes and half-dried up acrylic paint, I set to work.  

The book's version

My version.

The book's version.

My version.  

My final commission is a dinosaur egg nest background, but that will have to wait until I get a few other to-do items off my list. 


Anonymous said...

You, my friend, are a fabulous mom!

Keri said...

My hat is off to you for even TRYING something like that! i am incredibly lazy when it comes to doing crafts with/for my kids. It's one of my least favorite things to do.

I'm sure G was thrilled with it, wasn't he? (At least for five minutes, which is about how long an almost-4-year-old stays thrilled with any plaything...)

Kelsey said...

You are very talented! And what a great mom thing to do Carrie - color me impressed!