
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I need a vacation from my life

Let's see, where to begin.

Today I was rear-ended.  By someone who didn't have proof of insurance.  (This marks the 2nd time in my life I have been at a complete stop and smacked in the ass of my car by an uninsured person.)

The vacuum cleaner broke.  Again.

My wooden wind chime keeps losing chimes, littering them in my flower beds.  The parts are on my dryer, awaiting a time when I might be able to string them back together.

Girl Scout cookies sit in my basement, awaiting transportation to cookie booths in the hopes of being sold.

G hasn't napped 2 days in a row.

My master bathroom ceiling is half painted and will remain that way until some day in the hopefully near future when I have time in which to complete it.

The congestion that began in earnest over the weekend has morphed into a low-grade sinus funkiness that is not infection but rather the allergy ick and general malaise that hits every single spring.

I am waiting to be paid close to $300 for my freelance work.

I cannot finish our taxes because our 1099s won't be ready until March 15.

Le sigh.  

1 comment:

Shelby said...

I'm so sorry Carrie! I couldn't believe it when I read that you got hit! I was hoping that your car issues were behind you and that you wouldn't have to put more money into the van so soon.

By the way, saw the article in Today's Woman! It's a great article and I must say that the subjects in the first photo are gorgeous! :)