
Thursday, April 30, 2009

When you go looking for stuff

My Level II ultrasound is scheduled, and I am nervous. Still haven't decided on whether to find out the gender. Too preoccupied with what little things the maternal/fetal specialist will find that will inevitably crank my anxiety up a notch.

The nurse at the imaging center said they spend about an hour doing the scan, and then I can have an amnio if I want. Like if I want wine with my cheese or fries with my burger? No thanks. My whole fear of a c-section was due to the needle in the spinal column, not the incision and peeling back layers of my flabbiness, nor the risk of infection following major abdominal surgery. So jabbing a needle into my belly simply ain't gonna happen. Three heads on the fetus or no.

But when you go looking for stuff, you generally end up finding stuff. It may not be heart defects, but it will be something else that will give my heart momentary (or longer) pause. So while I like the idea of seeing the baby on the screen, I am also wondering how worried I will be afterwards.


Giselle said...

Why the Level II?

Keri said...

I can relate to the anxiety, as you know! When I had my Level II with Bailey, I didn't even know you could get bad news at that event, and ignorance truly was bliss. She passed all the "tests," and it wasn't until afterwards, when I found out about N's Level II that I realized I could have received bad or worrisome news. (I'm still grateful to you for wisely keeping that tidbit of info from me until after my ultrasound!)

Rest easy about the upcoming event. It is what it is, and worrying won't do a thing to change it. Said the pot to the kettle. :-)