
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Things that are driving me nuts (or more nuts than usual)

In general, I don't think I'm an easily peeved person (argue with me, if you'd like so I can add something else to my list), but methinks the pregnancy hormones are having their way with me. Let's begin with these crazy ass dreams I've been having.

I have a recurring dream that began after I had my nervous breakdown in 2004. In the dream, D and I are together, sometimes in the house I grew up in, sometimes in our current house, sometimes in a house I've never seen before. Sometimes we have our kids, sometimes we have no kids. The whole gist of the dream is that I am wanting and waiting for us to get married. I have a real sense of yearning in this dream, so intense that I still feel it upon waking. But always at some point in the dream I realize that we are already married. I feel like we have a pretty solid marriage, but this dream has plagued me for almost 5 years now.

In addition to this dream, I have had sex dreams about virtually every guy I dated in college. I'm currently not in the mood for real sex or dream sex with anyone.

How quickly one forgets the "issues" of pregnancy. I had forgotten how I sweat at night in the region from my belly button to my mid-thigh. I wake up convinced I have peed on myself. Nope--just sweat. Gross nonetheless.

Although I enjoy it, I recognize that FB is a giant ego-trip (as is this blog). I do enjoy reading people's status updates, but I get peeved at myself when I make what I think is a witty comment to someone, only to find that my superego is worrying that I have been too crass, too vulgar, too Carrie. And since FB frieds might be real friends, cyber-friends, former friends, almost friends, etc, I can't be sure that I'm not royally pissing someone off. And then I become even more pissed at myself because, really, do I care that much?

Isn't the saying that you dislike people in whom you see too much of yourself? I think I have the capacity to be this kind of woman. The kind that seemingly cannot live without a man. From the time I became boy-crazy at 10 years old until I married at 24, I felt I wanted (and needed) a male cohort to be happy. My dad (a good, good man and dad) was not, and is not, particularly affectionate. I don't remember him saying "I love you" on a regular basis until I married and moved out. Without going into all of my therapy sessions, suffice it to say, I think I felt the need to feel loved by males because I didn't feel that my father loved me (apparently, I needed more affection than he was comfortable giving). Blah, blah.

So when I come upon one of these women, who seem to have strings of defunct relationships and feel compelled to not be alone for a good long time (like at least a year without a single date), I get my panties in a twist. I just wish for them to be happy by themselves for awhile and quit wasting so much energy on men. For awhile.

I am a firm believer that if you are married, you are married, even if you are separated. This does not mean you can or should date other people. If you want to date, get a fucking divorce and be single. Don't date until that time. Also, if you are willing to spend oodles of time working on a new relationship, why not try to first spend oodles of time salvaging the one you are ending? (Granted, I realize some marriages are not salvageable, nor should they be salvaged.)

'Nough said.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

If it helps, you've never offended me on Facebook!