
Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I don't make resolutions, nor do I have a bucket list. I sometimes think both of these would be nice to have, but I am so anal, I really wouldn't be able to handle it if I didn't reach all of my posted goals. Like even on my deathbed taking my final gasps of air.

I only write down 1 chore a week on my day-planner because usually I can manage 1 thing. And if I do that chore plus more I feel so AWESOME!!!

There are some "plans" I have floating around my head for 2009. "Plans" are different than resolutions because they are more nebulous and airy. "Plans" can change, while resolutions are diamond-hard (at least in my brain).

The first and second "plans" are the two classes I have to take to renew my teaching certificate. The first is Developmental Reading, an online course through the U of Wisconsin. I think it will be fine once I get started, but right now I am having a terrible time psyching myself up for it. The second course will be in the fall.

And there is vacation...hopefully to Disney for a couple days and then the beach for a longer stretch.

And there are the birthdays coming in February--D's and N's. D will be 40, so I may have to hire him a stripper or something stunning like that. Who wouldn't love a lap-dance on their 40th? Ok, I mean who with a penis wouldn't love one of these? And I'm already freaking out a bit because after Christmas I don't know what in the heck I can possibly get for this child for her birthday.

So there we go. Classes, vacation, birthdays. Maybe a minivan. Plans for kid #3 and D's vasectomy to follow?


Momisodes said...

I like the idea of 1 thing each week. That sounds reasonable and maybe reachable for me :)

Sounds like you have quite a bit lined up for 2009 already!

Wishing you all the best in the new year.

Kelsey said...

Seems like 2009 is looking like a good year for you guys!

Anonymous said...

I did cows on the lawn: if you click the pic it gets bigger. better than a lap dance...