
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bonus Baby is 1

Dear M,

A year ago today the doctor said, "It's a boy!" (Fortunately I was so overwhelmed with joy and love for your sweet newborn face, I didn't dwell too long on what having two boys two years apart might mean for my sanity.)

A year ago today I was savoring your newness, still a little stunned by my surprise baby despite nine months of carrying you.

A year ago today I fell in love all over again, for the third time.

A year has gone by so very quickly.

And now you are sidewinder crawling all over the house, intent on catching one of the cats.

Cruising along every piece of furniture you find.
Pushing the chairs across the floor as you walk behind them.

Eating table food with great interest.

Trying to say "cat" (dat) and "nap" (bap) and "snack" (nack).
Waving when we leave.

Giving kisses with your mouth big and wide.
Clapping your hands.

Singing "lalalalala" with your tongue wagging to the side.
Getting increasingly adept at holding your own when your brother tries to ambush you.

And every day I am so, so thankful I was blessed for a third time.

I love you dearest,


Keri said...

What a beautiful Bonus Baby you have! I'm so glad that you're able to view him as the blessing he is, even though he wasn't in your grand plan. :-)

Keri said...

Oh, and I just found out that one of the moms at our preschool has a bonus baby coming along. Her daughter is in kindergarten and her son is in the 3yo class. Apparently, she thought she was finished, but then... From what I heard, she was pretty upset at first, but today she said she's getting used to the idea.

Any advice I can pass along to her from someone on the other side of the birthing room?