
Friday, July 2, 2010

A plethora of frustration

I have a hard time reconciling myself to my emotions, how they can be all over the map on any given day.  And by this I mean any given completely uneventful day, a day chock full of normalcy.
When life throws me unexpected curveballs or is in any way out of the routine, I become emotionally sunk, unable to manage the complexities of what I am feeling.

How can I be doing exactly what I want to do and still feel pangs of misery at the same time?
How can I possibly feel guilt and a profound sense of no-guilt at the exact same moment?
It completely defies all logic to me.
Hence, my emotional state.

Towards the end of high school and into college I went through a stage of reading E.M. Forster novels, and one of the things I so related to in the characters was how mixed up and emotionally discombobulated they were.  Like them, I am muddled.

Two months out, D is still having pain and discomfort from his vasectomy.  He is going for an ultrasound on Tuesday and a follow-up with the urologist on Thursday of next week.  Depending on what the u/s finds, he may have to have more surgery.  What we have always heard as being a quick, almost pain-free in-office procedure has turned into a small nightmare for both of us (large nightmare for him since he is the one suffering from discomfort).  There is an actual condition called Post-Vasectomy Pain Syndrome (PVP).  How nice of life to allow us to become aware of this highly uncommon acronym.

I keep thinking maybe I should have had my tubes tied in October.  Or maybe I should have looked into Essure.  But I know my brain, and I know my body.  Had I gotten my tubes tied immediately after M's birth, my anxiety over "what if something happens to the baby?" would have been through the roof.  And if I have learned anything about myself in the past 6 years, it is do whatever I can to minimize my anxiety.  Don't purposely do things to increase it.

And in terms of physical side effects, I can't even wear earrings or use sunscreen/most types of soap without having unpleasant allergic reactions to the metals and/or chemicals in them.  Let's block my fallopian tubes with a metal clip or other foreign substance and see what happens.  I never even considered an IUD because of the metal and what havoc the hormones would play on my mind.  I would have gone back on the pill but D doesn't trust that anymore (a'la Unexpected Baby M).  And what married couple likes the idea of using condoms until menopause is good and complete?

I have talked to enough of my mom friends to know that I am not alone is being mostly (95%) uninterested in sex.  So it just felt like why should I be responsible for preventing pregnancy anymore?  I keep asking myself if I was selfish in not taking steps to become sterile.  Maybe I was.  And so I feel guilt.  But didn't want to be and don't want to be responsible for this anymore.  And so I don't feel guilt at the exact same time.

But I want D to feel better.  To not be in pain.  To feel as he did on April 29th.  Except be completely sterile.

And then there is the frustration of being a SAHM mom in the summer.  I want to be a stay-at-home mom.  I love my kids.  I would not want to deal with all the logistics and exhaustion of having to work outside the home and still be responsible for 98% of work inside the home.  I am doing exactly what I want to do....being able to witness and experience my children growing up on a daily basis.

But sometimes I just want a minute's peace.  I just want a string of a couple days in which there is no sleep-deprivation coupled with little one's boo-boos and bad moods and fights over toys and teething.  I get tired of meeting my family's needs for clean laundry, stocked groceries in the cupboard, warm meals every night, and the desire for me to tend to their emotional and physical needs without allowing for me to tend to my own with any regularity.

How can I be mostly content and somewhat miserable at the same time?

My parents are going on a 2-week vacation this month, and my MIL will be out of town for a bit as well (plus she has responsibilities of owning her own business), so the folks on whom I ask for help will be unavailable.  And D has enough on his plate at the moment without me asking him for help because in addition to his condition he has jury duty the next 2 weeks.

So I feel the heaviness of my village temporarily picking up and moving, leaving me solely responsible for tending to the children.  The follow-up tube surgery visit, the 9-month well visit, the 9-month pictures, the annual cats' vet visit, and the sundry details of just normal life without all these extra goings-on.  Throw in a possible surgery for D just to fray the ends of my nerves a little more?

And what makes me especially angry with myself is that none of this is life-threatening.  The end of days is not nigh.

It is normal stressors with a few curveballs.

Making me face up to how poorly I deal.


Kelsey said...

Ah Carrie, I'm sorry that D is having such a difficult time. We're probably headed down that same road but I think I probably won't have Matt read these entries... I know how you feel when your village up and leaves, that's how I feel when Matt and his parents are gone over the same weekend. I get kind of worried about not having back up! I know you guys will get through. Hang in there (sorry for the lame sentiment, but what else is there to say?).

Muser Grace said...

Oh, that really is a lot to deal with. It really is. But I can relate to that feeling of anger at not being able to cope the way other people do. :( So sorry. Know you're not alone in your emotional muddled-ness.

Swistle said...

"How can I be mostly content and somewhat miserable at the same time?"---Yes, YESSSSSSSSS!!!!

Keri said...

I think there's probably not a SAHM on the planet who hasn't experienced those two extremes of emotion regarding the life they've chosen. Likewise, I bet you could readily find the same extremes of emotion in women who have no children but amazing careers; in women who have chosen to devote their lives to volunteer or mission work; and in women who have happily chosen to retire and enjoy their golden years. Every life choice comes with sacrifices, and it's the recognition of the things we sacrifice daily that lead to the feelings of misery and discontent.

I don't say this to belittle your feelings in any way, because I know that you have your unique struggles with moods and emotions. But I also want to remind you that you're not alone, even if others don't suffer exactly as you do.

I hate to hear that everyone you rely upon is going to be unavailable to you for a time. I know that I'd feel totally lost if all of my dependable help was going to be unavailable! Maybe this would be a good opportunity to expand your village to include friends like me - please let me know if I can help you in any way while your "regulars" are gone.

Oh, and I really hope D gets some relief soon. Please let go of your guilt about not being the one to take on the birth control burden. It sounds like you all made the best choice, but it just came with an unfortunate complication. Surely he'll get some help and it will be behind you before long.