
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Not sure if she meant me, but here goes

I have a number of "favorite" blogs that I check everyday. (In addition to changing the template of my blog, I got real crafty and added my blog list over to the right somewhere.) Some of the ladies I know personally, and some of the bloggers are friends of the ladies I know personally.

Ok, so one of the blogs had a meme challenge, and someone named Carrie was specifically challenged along with 4 other women. I am insecure enough to wonder if I am the Carrie she meant, and egotistical to go ahead and do it anyway despite the insecurity that I'll look like an ass if I'm not the Carrie she meant (but Robin, only you and I will know, right?).

First, I had to look of the definition of meme.

Now, onto the business at hand--figuring out how to link to the article from her blog. Hmmmmm. Give me a few minutes.

48 Ways to be Nice


Secondly--my commentary.
I try to be nice, but I am not very successful alot of the time. I do better at being friendly. Nice requires generosity and thoughtfulness of which I don't possess much; friendly is simpler. Most of the time I don't feel I am that much different from say, a 4-year-old, in terms of egocentricity. Perhaps that is why me and the 4-year-old who lives in this house with me often go head-to-head? Anyway, I do like the idea of trying to be nicer and thinking, at least momentarily, not so much about moi.

Now, Robin's additions:
  • Hold the elevator for someone.
  • Leave a treat (Starbucks card, McD gift card, etc.) for the sanitation workers in your neighborhood.
  • Bake a cake for no reason and take it to someone who needs something cheerful. (Store bought cup cakes work too!)
  • Give a gift that involves spending time together, like a card making class for you and a friend as her birthday gift. Then you're spending time together doing something you enjoy, and you're making homemade cards that go to others.
  • Leave a post it note love letter to your honey - even when you don't feel so loving. The simple act of being nice helps extend that feeling back to you.
  • Take used books and leave them at a coffee shop, shelter or someplace where others can enjoy them.
Now, my additions.
  • No matter how upset you are, really, really try not to write a blog that will upset the neighbors who upset you in the first place. (ok, this one is low. I'll try harder on the next one.)
  • When you are snippy with the gas station attendant and realize later you were in the wrong, call the station and offer an apology to her.
  • When a local outfit is collecting used Rx medications for safe disposal or old, junked out computer gadgets to recycle, offer to collect from neighbors so they don't have to make the trip (and thereby help everyone be a little more eco-friendly).
  • When a friend's kid is acting nuts and you can tell she is upset by it, give her a hug.
  • When someone you knew way back when and haven't seen in years suffers a loss (i.e., you see their parent's, husband's, child's obituary in the paper), send him/her a card, even if you doubt he/she will remember you.
  • Tell hubby thank you when he empties the dishwasher without being asked (even though you don't want to because you don't get thanked for doing the other 10,000 jobs around the house). Do it anyway and get over it.
Ok, I'm exhausted. See, even thinking about being nice wears me out.


Anonymous said...

You were the Carrie I intended. :-) And I love your additions! I would never have thought of some of them...

Ashley Benz said...

I run the last one through my head every night. Do I thank the husband or not??