
Thursday, September 25, 2008

facebook is.....

really interfering with my blog reading.

Prior to this past Monday I had heard of facebook maybe twice, but didn't really have the slightest notion what it was. Then at my moms club banquet, I succumbed to peer pressure and decided to have a go.

And it has been amusing these past couple days, although I am still formulating an opinion on it. I have searched for people I hated in elementary school, former flames, former colleagues, family members. I believe that after 3-4 days, I have "found" basically everyone I care to find or that memory will allow me to find. I have been spending more time than I ought thinking, "Now what was that girl's name??" I will snoop some more, but I think there would be more of a thrill if I was "wookin pa nub" rather than just dorking around instead of doing housework.

Apparently, other people in this city that I went to grade school and high school and college with have better things to do than find social contacts. C'mon, not everyone can be working on a cure for cancer at once.

Ah well, given my issues with the overuse of the word "friend," it is probably for the best I don't find others to pester with emails that say things like, "Do you remember me? I'm the girl you made fun of from 5th-8th grade, which resulted in the wreck that I call my self-esteem. Thanks for that. I hope you aren't the same bee-atch I knew back then. If you have matured, email me back. We can do lunch."

Ok, done with being catty. Moving on to other things.

1 comment:

Giselle said...

ha ha ha ha ha...I am cracking up because I so feel the same way. This one girl that I HATED in high school asked to be my "friend", and I almost said no. Then I thought for a second...and came up with a big WHO CARES??? So I said yes, and now I'm constantly reading about how often she eats yogurt and other tittilating facts about her life. What the hell is the point of this thing after it allows you to be nosy for a bit?

Also, awkward when you don't remember someone. There's this chick who I must have gone to high school with (she has all the same friends from high school) and I totally don't remember her. Not a bit. Another girl was remembering a class we took together. I think she may have the wrong person. I hope so, because I don't even remember taking that class.

I can't wait to read when you change your next dirty diaper. Or what you -gasp- eat for dinner. ;)