
Monday, August 11, 2008

Politics and religion

Generally I try to avoid talking either of these with anyone other than D because I usually end up pissing someone off or getting pissed off myself (and with D--he and I are on the same page, same paragraph, same line so I don't have to worry much about the pissing off parts).

As much as I like the idea of having open, balanced, mind-expanding discussions with people who are of different views than me, the truth is I just get agitated because inevitably someone tries to proselytize. And I am not gonna be persuaded.

I don't mean this in a, "I'm gonna be stubborn and stupid just for the sake and sole purpose of being stubborn and stupid." It is just that after 24 years as a Catholic, I decided I (personally) was over organized religion. My relationship with the Catholic god was always love/hate....and really, mostly hate or love only because I felt extreme guilt otherwise.

I lived at home until I married at age 24 and went to church only because it was the rule in my parents' home. After I married, I went to church until I left every mass with a gigantic headache and a rage in my heart because virtually everything that was said during that hour pissed me off.

And I never wanted to change churches or religions because it felt like a betrayal if I switched, and ultimately all organized religions have a system of beliefs that you either accept or not, and I clearly have issues accepting certain beliefs.

So I decided I was gonna decide what I absolutely, positively, without question did believe and stick to it. And for me, that is very simple:

1. I believe in a god, higher power, energy, something greater than myself that plays a role in creation (past, present and future)
2. I believe you should treat other people the way you want to be treated.

Ok, that's it. The sum total of my beliefs.

Yes, I believe there was a historical Jesus, but the resurrection part of his story....not so much. Jesus just ain't a big deal to my belief system. Neither are any of the other saints, although I do like Mary for a number of reasons (accepting difficult news at conception announcement; she was a mom).

And politically, well, I think anyone who runs for public office, particularly those in the legislative and executive branch, are full of shit, for the most part. They will blow smoke up the collective ass to get elected, and then they will be bribed by lobbyists. And I would vote Republican if I ever found one that I actually liked more than the Democratic contender. I would have voted for McCain against Kerry because he was the better of the two candidates. Never voted for W. Won't vote for McCain against Obama because 1.) damn he is old, and 2.) anyone who cozies up to W. just ain't right, and 3.) hopefully Obama will be a new way of dealing with the world instead of the usual, "Hey, we're the US and we're always right and how about we invade you?" That is working out reeeeeal well. Can I get an "Amen," Iraqi citizens???

So that pretty well sums up my religious and political views in a nutshell. And if my views have pissed you off, then don't read my blog.


Anonymous said...

Oh Carrie we are on the same page religiously it sounds. So my question to you is did you baptize the kids? We did with the first and are arguing on the second, not sure why but the old Catholic in me wants this baby baptized too!

Tricia said...

Another "raised Catholic" one right here...
I am absolutely with you on the "discussing" R & P with people, have had lots of experience with this as I am sure you have too, and it rarely ends well. I completely agree with you as well on your #1 and #2 re:religion. those are also my core beliefs. These are things I think of often, and struggle with at times. I do go to a Christian Church but am not a member (Bill is) and will likely never join bc Jesus just doesn't line up with my beliefs totally. Good guy? Seems like it. Only Son of God? Hmmm, not so sure. Maybe just a really charismatic guy whom was well liked and respected by many and was very persuasive. I go to church bc where I go they are very big on service and humanity there, very welcoming and gracious, very openminded and not at all judging. The sermons always make me think about things in a different way, so it is a challenge for me. I may not fit the mold and sometimes I wonder (even out loud) "what the heck am I doing here?", but I have to say that I am happy that I feel comfortable enough there to say it...and no one has asked me to leave yet;)
Thanks for a thought provoking post Carrie!!!