
Monday, May 19, 2008

Junk email

My parents send me jokes and other junk-like emails all the time. Despite having a close relationship with my parents and talking to my mom nearly everyday, they somehow forget that I have 2 small children and therefore not a whole lot of time to read my legitimate email, nevermind all the prayer chain letters, jokes and sundry bits they forward to me.

But I deal.

Somehow, though, my aunt M has gotten wind of my email address and now she is sending me a godzillion prayer chain letters, jokes and sundry bits. Good god!

I'm being electronically assaulted by retired folks with nothing better to do than gunk up my inbox.

And me being the OCD freak I am feel guilty about deleting emails that people send me that I haven't read, even if I know its just gobbledy-gook. As if the emails themselves care whether they get read or not. As if my parents or aunt M even remember what they sent me. (Honestly, when I was a kid I would read every comic strip in the paper because I didn't want to hurt the feelings of the ones I didn't want to read, like Apartment 3-G. I should have been put on ADs at age 10).

So help me, if any of my other relatives find out my email address I'm gonna go into hiding.


Anonymous said...

Tip: Setup an email filter to weed out the spam.

Anonymous said...

You are not the only one. I literally get at least 2 a day from my m-in-law. Other relatives send them as well, but I've learned to just delete without reading. This is the reason that I rarely forward anything. I don't want to be one of "those people"!
