
Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I hate days when I feel I'm in a fog. It is depressing.

Today's fog is a result of G teething and therefore being an even worse sleeper than he already is. I didn't think it was possible, but we are back to waking every 2-3 hours to either be awake and miserable or nurse in a futile attempt to make the gum pain ease. I feel confident I will sleep when he has cut all his baby teeth by age 2, so only 16 more months to go. Yah.

My brain is muddled.

N had her last day of preschool picnic at the park, so in addition to my brain being addled by fatigue, my arms are tired from holding Monstro Baby in one arm and pushing N on the swing with the other.

And there is this goddamn bumblebee who continues to fly around our deck and make it impossible for us to enjoy our deck furniture (which I normally would find only slightly irritating, but when I am this tired it just drives me fricking batty).

Maybe tomorrow will be better.

1 comment:

Giselle said...

Since you asked...Andrew started sleeping "through the night" aka 6 hours a night around 4 months, I think. He started REALLY sleeping through the night (10-12 hours) around 11 months. He went a few nights all the way through, and so I finally let him cry it out on the other nights. I probably could've let him cry it out earlier, but it was just easier to let him nurse once a night.

Good luck. Those fatty boys are hard to fill up!