
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Baby Boy Thoughts

Both D and I wanted to know the gender of this little dude, but there is something to be said for having a husband who can commit to an actual name. I really can't blame him totally because I am not haranguing him like I did while pregnant with N. I guess I am just too busy or too tired. Oh yes, and we have a little person in the house who makes it nearly impossible to have an adult conversation. We usually just wait until bedtime to talk, and then we are too tired to talk.

The other day I thought Silent Bob might be a good possibility, but D just gave me a look. Hey, it's better than Segundo.

I did purchase a pregnancy memory journal for this guy, although I fear he will never care enough to read it in all his guy-ness (and will I have a good enough relationship with his wife to actually give it to her?). I really need to get over this preconceived notion I have of little boys. I just cannot wrap my head around male thinking and behaviors. As much as squealing and drama trips annoy me, I understand them completely and can relate. They are exhausting for sure, but comprehensible to me.

Mr. Whatever He'll Be Called (MWHBC) is all about movement. From everyone I've talked to who has carried a boy, this seems to be the norm. He just jostles and bounces and rolls constantly. N didn't do this kind of gymnastics. She would stay quiet and then nail me with a fish or a foot. MWHBC doesn't pack as much power (at least not yet), but I am chronically motion sick.

I am hoping to wrap up N's room by the end of the month so I can start on his room. Right now it is the catch-all location--boxes, baskets, vacuum cleaner. Thank goodness I don't work because I would never get all this done.


Tricia said...

It's funny, I know that there that are true differences between boys and girls, but I find that so much of my kids' differences seem more to do with their personality and temperment and less to do with their gender.

B was always a calm quiet child, very sensitive and thoughtful, took him about 6 months in playgroup before he ventured from my lap. Today he told me "Mommy you look so pretty I can't even breathe".
On the flip side, N is so independent, pretty rough, very adventurous, and is into absolutely everything, especially the things you tell her not to do. She is off and running, obblivious to me, as soon as we are at playgroup. She's also not as open with her affection as B.
It will be interesting to watch them as they grow. I'm glad that I journal for them, I hope they will both love reading them someday.

Sarah Hayden said...

It's so funny how I remember thinking the exact same things you are thinking and feeling what you're feeling about having a boy. I can't wait to talk to you in a few months when you are all love-struck and hopelessly in love with you new man (mind you, this will be after he is sleeping through the night! :-)).