
Friday, January 8, 2021

A delight (#4)

The older I get the more I love sleep, and perhaps that is why death doesn't quite scare me as much as it did when I was younger. 

It is the great not-being-conscious anymore, and no consciousness means no pain, no worry, no frustration. 

Sweet oblivion.

But this morning, I experienced the delight of slowly, deliciously waking up before my alarm went off. 

My brain was awake enough to know it was waking up, but it felt relaxed and not fully "on." 

It wasn't "go time" quite yet. 

For about 20 minutes I fell in and out of light sleep with occasional blips of barely awareness.

My brain was awake enough to enjoy the sensation and to note it as a delightful sensation and then it would gradually fade into haziness. 

Given the events at the US Capitol this week, it was a special and much-needed gentleness to and in my brain. 

A delay in full consciousness when full consciousness feels so unsettling was much-needed. 

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