
Sunday, October 8, 2023

Same thing as G birthday-wise

Dear M,

My bonus baby is 14 now, and it is hard for me to believe. 

You've changed a lot in the past year, mostly height wise because you are now officially TALLER THAN ME. I'm now the shortest person in the house, which is strange. 

I watch you saunter toward the car during school pickup and am astounded by how different you are from even a year ago. Taller, deeper voice, snarkier comments (which mostly make us laugh). 

You are the hardest of my children for me to figure out. For so many years, whenever I would ask your opinion, you would respond, "Same thing as G." So that's what you got: the same thing. We didn't know what you, M, actually liked.

Now, you have left that line behind, but when we ask you what you like or want, you mostly respond, "I don't know," which is harder for me to comprehend than your previous standard response. 

Like your dad, you struggle with making decisions. You are pretty happy with whatever as long as someone else makes the call. 

So how would I describe you at 14?

  • You are a pet whisperer: you have a special way with animals that makes them like you. 
  • You like doing work, having recently discovered an affinity for power-washing. (When I think about what job or career you might pursue, I always wonder if it will be something that blends desk-work with being up and about.) 
  • You do not like watching movies; it is a miracle if we can get you to watch one with us. 
  • You are definitely more like your Pa because he loves to save money and so do you! (G takes after Papaw T who couldn't keep $5 in his pocket without it burning a hole.) 
  • You recently told us that your nickname with friends is Benson. It makes me happy to know you have a group of friends who have given you a nickname. 
  • You never wear a shirt if you can help it, which makes for some awkward family photos.

I love the dry humor you bring to the table (literally, every night at dinner) and the look you give whenever Dad pulls up a photo on his phone of you as a chunky toddler. That is what I see when I look at you, even though you're now a couple inches above me. 

Hope this year is a good one!

Love you,


You made it to 16

Dear G,

You just recently turned 16, and I have to admit, I'm a little surprised. Given our struggles when you were younger, I wondered if I wouldn't throttle you long before you reached this milestone. Sometimes I am amazed that the person who towers over me now and has a pretty mature emotional outlook used to be the kid who couldn't control his feelings at all.

I'm not going to say I haven't learned anything from mothering your sister and brother, but being your mom has taught me the most (so far, anyway) because of your struggles. 

One thing I've learned from you is that kids are who they are and there is a lot of awesomeness to be proud of. You have always been a unique thinker, a sensitive person, and those are wonderful traits; we simply had to get your brain settled down enough so that those things could take center stage rather than anxiety. Unfortunately, anxiety feeds off anxiety, so your feelings set my feelings off, and that was never a great combination or experience for either of us. 

Being your mom has made me realize how critical it is to get as much help as soon as possible for kids who struggle so that their struggle doesn't have to become a lifetime one or one that cripples them. I'm thankful we had the resources to do that. I'm thankful we were open to the advice and help of professionals. Our only concern was helping you be happy and comfortable in who you are. 

You've gone through a lot of changes in the past year. You started high school and have done excellent in your classes; you adjusted like a champ. You had a girlfriend and experienced a breakup, which you also handled admirably. 

Because you've always had a very strong identity, I have sometimes felt like I knew exactly what you would do, but yet, as you get older, you increasingly surprise me. Like going to next week's event up in Indiana, which you originally said you didn't want to do (which didn't surprise me), and then changed your mind (which did).  I think it will be a fun experience for you, and I can't wait for you to tell us about it afterwards. 

I like to think that pushing you a little out of your comfort zone throughout your life has given you a sense that you can move out of it on your own even without our prodding. You did great on our family trip to Scotland and surprised me there, too, with loving haggis and climbing up to the Old Man of Storr, which I thought for sure you would complain about both. 

Another thing that has surprised me is your newfound desire to watch movies, which either you, me, and Dad or you and Dad have been doing at least once every weekend since June. It is so funny to see you discover films that we love (like Inception) or to hear you and your dad go on and on about Stanley Kubrick or space travel after watching 2001: A Space Odyssey

You have always been a bright, thoughtful, conscientious kid, but you are adding maturity to that which only makes you better. We are excited to watch you grow and change even more in the next 12 months. 

Love you,
