
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Things I've learned as of late

I don't want to jinx anything, namely the pregnancy, but I think (hope & pray) that I am finally coming out of the fog that is all-day sickness. This is day 3 of not wretching upon waking, and day 2 of not feeling the need to nap all afternoon. I actually laid on the couch today while G was napping and N was at Nana and Pa's and wondered what to do with myself because I simply could not fall asleep. It is a little weird. Maybe like how bears feel upon coming out of hibernation?

My brain feels like it is coming out of a fog, not unlike how I felt the instant I delivered N. It was like a veil was lifted, and I knew what the fuck was going on again in the birthing room. Somehow, though, I have been collecting information and saving it for when I could process it.

And here is what I've picked up about my kids and life in general...even when I've been asleep.

1. Signs that a 5-year-old girl writes and posts throughout the house are really funny. The one on N's door says, "NO BOYS ALLOWED EXCEPT DAD." The one on Mamaw's bathroom says, "No Tootin Outside."

2. Little 18-month-old boys' heads make an extremely loud THUD when they smack against the crib in a fit of fury, but it is unlikely that the force will knock the child out. And, if it does, well, at least he is now asleep.

3. Morgan Spurlock is not the only person in the world who has eaten crap for 30 days straight. How a fetus can survive a diet of Ramen noodles, tortilla chips, lemonheads and Taco Bell is a mystery to me.

4. Kids television shows are the best shows to fall asleep to on the couch. Official cure for insomnia!

5. Perhaps if something we use in our daily life makes us puke while pregnant, we ought to consider not using that product EVER AGAIN? If a super-sensitive sniffer can smell toxic chemicals, it is probably best to avoid them.

6. Brushing one's hair is highly overrated.

7. Lowering one's housekeeping standards is quite liberating. I wish I had learned this a loooong time ago.

That is all the pearls of wisdom I have acquired. I was only in my fog for 5 weeks after all.


Kelsey said...

#2 made me snort with laughter and I've known #7 for a long time - welcome to the club!

Giselle said...

"liberating"...yes, I like that take on the squalor in my house. I'm not a slob...I'm LIBERATED!

I'm glad you're feeling better. It is always such a strange feeling when you realize that everything doesn't make your stomach turn...and then you go do a happy dance...IT'S OVER! YOU MADE IT! HOORAY!

Anonymous said...

With #2 gestating, I spent a lot of time sleeping while #1 watched Barney in the 1st trimester.

I also have some sign posters. Mine are six and I love it! I also have note writers, who furiously scribble notes for my pillow (good and bad).

Glad you're feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Nora is hilarious! Love it.
