
Sunday, March 15, 2009


D and I are vastly different when it comes to decision-making. He researches, stews, researches more, stews more, and then eventually makes a decision. I look something up, make a quick decision and then run with it. The truth is, each "way" has its benefits and detriments.

One of the big detriments is that sitting next to the other person as they are making a decision is terribly aggravating. D rolls his eyes at me for saying things like, "That looks good. Do it! Do it!," and I roll my eyes at him for saying things like, "Well, maybe we should consider this. And this. And this."

So we squabble, which in our marriage amounts to a fair amount of teasing each other, and then the inevitable acceptance that his way is his way, and my way is my way, and then we come to a agreement. Maybe D would say he gives in or gives up....that seems to be the line he toes, but I suspect there might be a tiny little ounce of him that realizes that perhaps we don't need to look at 30 vacation condos and weigh the merits of each one, including which one has softer bath towels. Maybe selecting between 3 is good enough.

Maybe I think our marriage is pretty solid because even when we disagree, we can generally laugh about what drives us nuts about the other person and come to some sort of agreement without tears, screaming or under-the-breath muttering. Or maybe our marriage isn't solid because D gives in (if this is, in fact, what he always does). But it feels solid to me, so that is what I'm gonna run with. I can always read D's Twitter feed to find out differently, I guess.

So aside from the fact that I love D because he hates sports as much as I do, I love him because of the very silly way we "argue" or whatever it is we do when we disagree about decision-making.

Damn, am I romantic or what? (Twitter feed will most assuredly not concur.)

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