
Friday, December 14, 2007

Crap Mom Award

Today---after 2 evenings of poor sleep coupled with the mental stress of what I "should" be doing to make G a good sleeper---I could win the Crap Mom of the Day Award.

I didn't start out the day as Crap Mom. I took N to see a musical for kids about Rudolph while my MIL watched G. I felt like a pretty decent mom. I even managed to do a couple puzzles with her when G took his 5 minute nap of the day.

But then when G wouldn't nap today long than said 5 minute interlude, I started to get panicky about him being a poor sleeper. Which made me irritable. Plus, as the day wore on I just kept feeling more tired. Plus, N woke up early today so she has been a little annoying as the day has worn on. If she said, "Mommy, watch this" once, she said it 10 BILLION times.

I had D bring home Chinese food. We finally put G in his swing and he slept for a bit. I put on some of my music and N threw a grand mal fit: "I don't want to listen to your music!" Then when I came down here for 4 minutes of peace, N followed me and wanted to sit on me while I typed and either look at family pictures on the computer or at the Disney Princess web site I sometimes take her to.

So I am grouchy as hell, tired as hell, which puts me in line to win a blue ribbon for crappiest mom of the day.


Sarah Hayden said...

I bet you are the only one in the world who thinks you are a crap mom. :-) Hang in there. I hope to see you sometime soon!

Giselle said...

I hope you don't think you are a shoe-in for "Crap Mom" award. I am giving you a real run for your money. You still have the newborn excuse, for crying out loud. What's my excuse for telling my 4 year old to leave me alone so I can watch CSI on DVR without scaring him.