
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The funny youngest child

Poor M.
The youngest child gets no respect.
When I search my blog labels, I find 193 entries about the oldest.
Due to G's challenges and my need to stew over them in writing, he has 181 entries tagged as middle boy.
M's entries stand at a measly 86.

So this post is for M, who has been especially funny during the pandemic.
Rockin 87 now, baby!

There was the night he asked for leftover pizza for dinner.
His brother asked for scrambled eggs.
(We are not one of those miraculous families that all eat the same thing, as much as I would love for us to be. My sons come from a long line of picky-ass eaters.)

I promptly forgot what M said he wanted and fixed both boys eggs.
When M sat down at the table and saw his plate, he said,
"I give this place 1 star. They got my order completely wrong."

This, of course, made us all laugh uproariously.

The next night, when I did remember to give him leftover pizza for dinner he said,
"The last time I was here, somebody got my order all wrong."

And then yesterday, M choose to write a book review for his NTI work.
He picked "Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior," a series of which he has read the first three books.

He sat and stewed and stared at the screen.
"Do you not know what to write?" I asked.
"Yeah," he said.
"How about if you say, 'This review is about Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior?" I suggested.
He sat and stewed and stared at the screen.
He said something about needing a hook so I suggested: "I'd like to tell you about Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior."
He sat and stewed, finally placing his head in his hands.
Then he said, "I can never be a teacher because I'll just sit there for 15 minutes, trying to think of what to say, and the kids will be going crazy."
He eventually settled on an opening line that he liked and apparently had a "hook."

Tonight at dinner, he and his siblings were decorating cookies, and he was trying to make a Sonic the Hedgehog on his.
He narrated as he added legs and a body.
Finally, he said, "I'm going to add soulless white eyes" which caused all of us to promptly crack up.

All of my kids are quirky as heck, but M has been on a roll of late.

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