
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

OCD really likes a pandemic / Thank goodness NTI has begun

G started his exposure-response therapy in December, and he had made significant improvements, but the COVID-19 pandemic has sorta thrown a wrench in it has thrown a wrench in everything.

Everything has been thrown into disarray---
the routine,
the schedule,
the normalcy.

And if there is one thing OCD really, really likes, it is boredom.
Boredom means that OCD has an easier time breaking through.
There isn't enough to distract from the anxiety.

And so if you're my kid, you regress a bit, which is frustrating for you and for your family, who has seen you improve so much over the last few months.

We're doing telehealth appointments with his doctor, and I'm hoping non-traditional instruction provides him some structure that helps him level back out.

Speaking of NTI, it began today, and let me tell you, we are not gonna set the world on fire now or anytime.

But that's ok.

You know how you think that if you had all the chocolate cake you wanted to eat, you would eat it all the time.

But you wouldn't.

You'd eat it for a few meals and then quickly realize that having too much cake makes you feel sluggish and sick.

That's what all this free time has been.

It helps tremendously to have a little bit of structure back into our days.

We don't have to have our lives planned down to every second, which is how normal life often feels, but today feels like a gift to have something to be accountable for to someone who does not live within these walls.

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