
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The USPS and other COVID-y things

 Lawd amighty. 

There is some serious discontent in my neighborhood surrounding the USPS, which I find pretty funny, mostly because the folks who seem to do the most complaining on our neighborhood FB page are diehard Republicans. And a more efficient, less wasteful USPS seems like it is exactly in-line with conservative principles.

Principles. Shminciples.

Principles don't matter when it concerns MY mail, I guess. 

Don't get me wrong. I'm not loving things books taking a much longer time to arrive. 

Still, not getting things instantaneously is a good reminder to me of how spoiled we've all become by modern life.

It's not a bad thing to have to wait.

I mean, hasn't this been what every parent since the beginning of time has been saying to their children?

Doesn't delaying gratification build character? 

There is much I don't love about COVID-life, but it's not such a bad thing for my children to have to remember to write down on a list what they want me to order from the grocery and then have to wait for the next time I pick up groceries.

It's not a bad thing that my children aren't being able to do exactly whatever they want to do whenever they want to do it.

I wish many of the adults would get a handle on themselves and be reminded that they, too, can learn to manage their disappointment.


Anita said...

Count me in the "save the USPS" group.
As for all the complaining... actually, I won't go there.

Little Bill said...

Republican and could care less about the mail. Maybe they’re looking for their next check of financial report.