
Friday, October 7, 2016

Oh my heavens, my bonus baby is now 7!

Dear M,

Every child is a special miracle, but you are especially miraculous and always will be.  You slipped in under the wire.  You weren't expected, and you weren't planned, but you are evidence of wondrous life happening in spite of our plans and our expectations.

I sometimes consider what life would be like if you hadn't arrived.  Who would have sung us "Bring the Chainsaw Back?"  Who would be penis bros with Daddy?  Who would provide G the buddy and helpmate he needs?  Who would be the easy-going bread on the other side of N in the family sandwich that has G as the tangy middle?

You will always be my Monkey M, the baby in the monkey costume who did his monkey crawl along the sidewalks on Halloween night.  You will always be the long-term nursling I always wanted and had to wait through two kids to get.  You will always be my special bonus baby.

Even though you are a personality at home, you tend to be shy and more reserved among others.  You are my sensitive boy who cries easily when something unexpected happens or someone unexpected appears.  And you definitely keep a wary eye out for your Uncle K, who is the world's biggest tease and likes to see if he can pull one over on you.

I love it that you put your swimming goggles on so tightly that you look like a little Asian child.  I love it that you still have a squeaky little voice.  I love it that your laugh, when you really cackle, can crack anybody in the room up and still often results in you racing to the bathroom to pee.

It astounds me that 7 years have passed since we heard the doctor say, "It's a boy!"  And even though I really liked the name Maeve Catherine, I'm really, REALLY glad I had the opportunity to use M**** D****** for you.

I hope you have great fun at your party this weekend.

All my love, always,

1 comment:

Christina said...

Love this post, and completely amazed, daily, at how fast the time goes. These little ones won't be little for much longer.

Hope M's birthday is filled with joy, wonder, and memories to take with him always.