
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Shit pot stirrer or the person who wants the shit out of the pot and cleaned?

It has occurred to me (and perhaps to some people who know me) that I might be thought of as a person who stirs the shit pot.

However, I don't seek out drama. The reason I have long been Beautification Chairperson at my kids' elementary school is that I hate drama, cliques, and discussing/debating things that aren't gonna matter 5 months from now (such as what kind of cheap Oriental Trading festival prizes to get). 

I am perfectly happy being not-in-the-middle of things.

I am perfectly happy to extend grace to others. 

I don't complain to the manager. I don't leave bad Yelp reviews. 

However, if I see crap going on that is consistently corrupt, unjust, inconsistent, poorly managed, or thoughtless, I may say and/or do something IF such things are likely to matter 5 months from now. 

Unfortunately, I think that for some people, a requirement for being a "team player" means being the type of person who blindly goes along with anyone without thinking and/or making necessary changes. 

I am not a wet-carpet, sure-go-ahead-and-walk-all-over-me type of person. 

Last week, I nominated myself for the SBDM at N's high school. 

If I am elected, great. Maybe I can help make good things better and bad things ok.

If I am not elected, great. Then I don't have to listen in on meetings that will almost certainly go on longer than I think is necessary and/or fruitful. 

Last week, I also went to tryouts to help "monitor" the mask-wearing by the girls on the field hockey team. 

I don't actually care if they have a season. 

I have zero  (-200) interest in sports. 

Sure, I would console with N about any sadness/disappointment she would have if the season didn't happen or ends early, but I also think about people during civil wars who give up EVERYTHING for years, and I think a lost season due to a pandemic is relatively small beans. 

I called out some girls who kept pulling down their masks, which I'm sure they didn't appreciate. 

Some people might think this was stirring a shit pot. I look at it as trying to keep the pot COVID-free so these girls can have a season that they (but not I) care about. 

Another way in which I might be considered a shit-pot-stirrer is that I don't do things because someone somewhere decided that this is what a person "should" do. I like to do some actual thinking about why I'm doing whatever I'm doing or not doing. 

If I'm being paid to do or not do something, I consider that. 

If it is illegal to do or not do something, I consider that. 

If it harms or potentially harms another person's body or feelings, I consider that. 

But if it doesn't meet any of those criteria, I may very likely decide I'm gonna do what I want. 

For example, last night at N's game before which the national anthem instrumental was played, I remained seated. 

I wasn't getting paid. I didn't break the law. And I didn't harm anyone. 

I personally think playing the national anthem should be like telling someone you love them. It should be something special, meaningful, carefully selected, and meant when it is done. It makes a little sense for the exception for the national anthem to be played for national leagues (NBA, NFL). I have no problem with the national anthem at special government events/functions. Olympics games....go for it.

But average Tom, Dick, and Harry elementary, middle school, high school, college sporting event? 


Did my not standing hurt someone's feelings? (And yes, I have thought about that.)

It may have hurt someone's sensibilities, but those are not the same as feelings. 

If all of this aforementioned stuff means I'm a shit-pot stirrer, well, I guess I'll accept the title. 

But I respectfully disagree with that assessment. 

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