
Friday, March 15, 2019

Podcasting for idiots

My friend and I are working on a podcast.
Who knew it was so much, like, work.
You can't just wing this sh*t.

At first, there was much watching and rewatching and re-REWATCHING of YouTube videos on how to use GarageBand.
(These young'uns go so fast on the technology and whatnot.)

We've been figuring out music and logos and openers.

It has been really fun.

The best part is that she and I are talking about books and book clubs and reading.

We're going to have a Facebook page so that we can ask questions and use comments as springboards for discussions.

It is a nice reminder that even old(ish) dogs can learn new tricks.

We've learned that even though quality podcasting sounds non-rehearsed, you really have to do some practice and preparing to make it sound that way.

We've dragged a friend into the closet with us. (Yes, we are literally in my friend's closet recording, which is kind of our schtick. Or mine, anyway).

At first, we hoped to have our first one out by mid-April, but we're now thinking June because we need help in the sound editing department. When we contacted and met with a podcaster before jumping into this, he said it took him about 6 months to get up and running, and so June sounds about right.

I really feel like this is not only fun but a good fit for my teaching/blogging/freelancing life of doing interesting stuff. 

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