
Friday, January 20, 2012

N's story ending

N brought home a paper the other day.  The assignment, at least as I understood it, was to write a different ending to a story she had read, Westward to Oregon by Patricia Pfitsch.  Her teacher had written "Outstanding Story!" at the top.  For a second grader, I thought it was pretty darn good--better than some of the stuff my former 6th grade students wrote when I was a teacher.

Lizzie was driving the wagon slowly.  She thought it would be better to go slowly for Papa.  "Go faster," said Mama.  "We better get there    the snow comes." she said as she rubbed water on Papa.  Jerimiah was listening to the wind blow.  Lizzie was trying hard not to go slow.  She knew the snow would come soon.  They were half way up the mountain.  Papa was still hurting.  "We are almost there!" Lizzie cried.  Lizzie kept driving.  Finally, they were over the mountain.  They could see the beautiful land.  They saw Mr. Jenkins and the rest of the people.  From their faces, Mr. Jenkins knew they had found Papa.  Everybody got something to cure him.

Yesterday I received my next magazine assignment to write about the early elementary stage of childhood, and I had nothing but good to say about N as a 7- (almost 8) year-old.  Her heiney hygiene may be lacking, but her writing is a good example of just how amazing this stage is.  

1 comment:

Keri said...

I, too, am loving this early elementary age.

And yes, N's story ending is better than the portfolio entries of many of my former 7th grade students as well. Well-done, N!