
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Differences in torture tactics

Do you know what the difference is in torture tactics used by insurgents/military and those used by my two sons?

With the insurgents, you are worried that they are gonna kill you.
With my sons, I am worried that I am gonna kill them.  Particularly the toddler.  

Yes, today was one of those miserable days.  And it is not yet 3:00 pm, so I still have quite a ways to go.

As I mentioned, M had officially diagnosed RSV, and G had unofficial RSV.  G ran a fever only on Christmas Day, and his congestion and cough have been getting better.  No worse than a minor cold.  M ran a slight fever a couple days after Christmas and was very congested, but he has been back to excellent nursing for days and seems ok.  

So with everyone seemingly on the mend on Tuesday I took N and G to one of the free H1N1 clinics to get their boosters.  God knows we have had more than our fair share of illness this fall/winter, and I didn't want to chance the piggy flu on top of everything else.  

Of course, Tuesday evening, G started running a low-grade fever.  He ran it yesterday and has been battling a runny nose again and being even more whiney about "Tuffy Nose!!!!" than he usually is.  (Yesterday I called the H1N1 Hotline, and was told it is most likely in response to the shot, but if he's still running a fever on Friday to take him into the pediatrician.) 

Today has been a nonstop fuss-fest by G. A constant whine to "Wipe It" (his nose).  I put him down for his nap early, at 12:30, and he was awake and crying by 1:39.  No fever, but a drippy nose.  He is back up in bed now, hopefully to sleep for a good long time, because when I brought him down he just fussed and cried and screamed, wanting me to hold him, hold his cars, wipe his nose."  And I had M to deal with too.  Although he isn't sickly, he is a baby so holding, nursing, and some cooing is required to keep him somewhat happy and content.  

Plus, we have had snow dumped on us and it is below freezing, so there is to be no getting outside or out anywhere.  Again.  

So G has nothing, absolutely nothing, to distract him from the clear snot running out of his nose like a breach in a dam.

On top of it all,  in the back of my mind, I am worried that I have wreaked havoc on his poor immune system.  But we had had to wait almost 2 months since his first H1N1 shot.  And I don't know that I can take any more illnesses so soon.  Plus, everything I've read says a cold or minor illness is ok for getting the shot.  And with no fever and waning congestion, I figured we were in the minor illness category.  

There doesn't seem to be much of a difference between my home and Abu Ghraib at the moment.  

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