
Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year? Whoopee.

That Whoopee, please note, is not followed by an exclamation mark. Just a period. Because I can't muster up too much excitement for 2008 when I am this tired and grumpy. Dick Clark, Ryan Seacrest and Fergie will be partying without me tuning in. I will likely be up at the stroke of midnight anyway but not because I wanna be.

G is still sleeping like crap, and N has been waking up too, so I'm getting very poor sleep. I have been having lots and lots of "2 Baby Days," as in days where all I can think is, "I've had my 2 babies so I think I'm done."

When I am this tired, I start thinking things like, "This is NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER GONNA END." G is NEVER EVER EVER going to have a predictable schedule. G is NEVER EVER EVER going to take naps longer than 20 seconds. I will NEVER EVER EVER be able to take both kids to someplace fun that N would like to visit because I can't handle keeping up with her and having him suckling at the same time. When my brain is operating in this mode, it is plenty hard to look forward to 2008.

But then I remember that just a little while ago, G was waking every 2-3 hours religiously all night long. Within the last 2 weeks he has mostly had 5 hour stretches, and 1 night even had a 6-hour stretch. So things will get better. Things will improve. He is only 3 months old.

So I will try to will myself positive thoughts about 2008 because it is gonna fly...even the times when I am tired and grumpy.


Sarah Hayden said...

I think it's almost harder once they start sleeping for a longer stretch b/c then you actually start getting more of that much needed sleep and your body realizes how deprived of it you really are. So you are even more tired and grumpy as a result. But you are right- it WILL get better!

Giselle said...

Can you hear me crying in PA? Ugh, I'm not ready to do this stage again...

I hope he starts sleeping soon...I won't tell you when Andrew finally slept more than 5-6 hours. I'm trying not to think about it myself. ;)