
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Dunder Mifflin and the conspiracy theory

I am old enough to have worked my fair number of jobs.

There was the ice cream shop when I was a teenager which was owned by a skeezy dude who made inappropriate remarks to his all-female staff.

I worked at the grocery store that went out of business because it was so poorly fiscally managed.

I worked at an online publishing company that had some cool people but also a manager who wrote soft porn and shared it with his employees as well as another dude who lived in his mother's basement and was so socially inept he would lecture his same-level peers on their work. There was the office worker whose skin was yellow because all she ate was fast-food.

I worked in a public school that had drama queens and unusual relationship triads/dyads and a whole lot of dysfunction.

There is no place I've ever worked that has been run so seamlessly and with 100 percent coordinated effort and enthusiasm on the part of every.single.person who was employed there. There were rumors and backstabbing and disaffection.

Last year, I subbed on a team that was completely dysfunctional. During a meeting with the principal to discuss why the kids were off-the-chain, one of the teachers admitted (this was in March), that he had never bought into the team incentive and hadn't been doing it the entire year.

I thought to myself, "I feel like I understand why this is all a train-wreck."
Everyone has to be on the same page, or at least within the same chapter for things to operate smoothly.

When I think about companies that are in operation now, I am sometimes astounded by the inefficiencies and general stupidity.

For example, I am a regular Kroger customer who has been using the Clicklist since quarantining began. I make my order, pick it up, and receive a receipt showing I spent $87.65.

However, on my credit card, Kroger shows anywhere between 4-8 DIFFERENT transactions adding up to $87.65.

And I ask myself, as well as the Kroger customer service when I email, if they can have 1 amount given to me on a receipt, why are they unable to give me 1 charge on my credit card?
I have yet to receive an answer.

Clearly, something is not right.
The left hand and right hand, somewhere along the line, are not speaking to each other.

And this is seen over and over again in each and every business, organization, or government agency in the world.
They are all flawed; sometimes outlandishly so.

With that in mind, I cannot really believe in most conspiracy theories, especially as they concern one-world coordinated entities that prey on people.

Is there corruption?
Of course. I don't deny that.
Might there be coordinated efforts to try to fool people?
But are they successful to the extent that we are all puppets being manipulated by them?
Throughout the US and across the world?
Think of how many people would have to be involved for that to work?
Every single person would have to be equally intelligent and secretive.
And for there to be some kind of one-world-order, there would have to be thousands and thousands of people all coordinating to the letter.

Does anything in my own life experience, be it volunteering on the PTA or at church or working at a business, make me think this is realistic?

The short answer is no.

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