
Thursday, June 4, 2009

A whole lot of whatever

I haven't scrapbooked in ages, and I'm doing a slipshod job of writing in the kids' journals, so I thought I'd just randomly empty my brain of anything that needs remembering (for kids) or forgetting (for myself). Once I get it out of my head, I can let it go and move on to other concerns, worries or things to remember.

1. Pete and Repeat
Good grief, being in the car with my kids is like being in OCD hell (or heaven, depending on how medicated you are.) N is always the instigator. The other day she was just making a noise, "Ah-shew, Ah-shew, Ah-shew," over and over again. And then comes G, chiming right along. Makes my head nearly explode. Kinda like the, "Is that fake cry?," thing.

Whenever N sees someone walking a dog she says, "I want a dog. I mean, I want a chihuahua." And here comes Repeat saying, "Ha-wa-wa. Ha-wa-wa."

Now she points out every Volkswagen Bug, PT Cruiser and convertible she sees. Fortunately, Repeat cannot pronounce any of these, so he only hollers out, "Bus," "Bike," and "Digger."

2. 21 weeks and counting
Let me say it again on the record: This pregnancy is kickin my arse hard. I have finally gotten to the point where I don't require a daily nap. I require a daily rest, but sleep isn't an absolute necessity. So hooray for that.

But, I have developed a nice patch of varicose veins on my right leg, near my knee. Looks like somebody beat the fuck outta me. And given than I spend a decent chunk of my time racing after G to keep him from running into the street or drowning himself in the baby pool, I have been holding my belly up with one hand doing a waddle-dash of sorts to wherever danger lurks. So today, I broke down and purchased a belly support thing and ordered compression tights. Nothing to put you in touch with your inner senior citizen like hanging out at the medical supply place for a couple hours.

N takes dance class, and she really enjoys it. I am all for it, but this recital business is really wearing thin. She is in a afternoon performance and an evening performance, which means I have to get a sitter for G from 1 pm until 7 pm (or longer). It means I have to take her to dress rehearsal on a Friday evening at 4:45, requiring D to come home early to watch G. It means I have had to fork out $60-odd on a costume, and $65-odd on a recital fee, plus I still have to purchase the program. This is in addition to the $39 I pay a month on the class.

I am sure the performance will be nice and will get N even more interested in dance, but this all seems like a whole lot of overkill for a group of 4- and 5-year-old girls. It was suggested that the parents of each class put an ad in the program to congratulate the girls, and by an ad I'm talking up to $40. We, as a group, declined. We were the ONLY group of parents who did not put an ad in the program, which means either we are crazy and heartless or we can find better ways to spend $40 than put an ad in a program that NONE OF OUR KIDS CAN READ!!!!!!!

Yes, I am cheap. Yes, I think so many of these activities that parents put their kids in have gone bloody nuts. But apparently, I am one of the few people on the planet who think perhaps this is all a bit much.

4. Baby #3 Pregnancy Book
I haven't purchased a "Remember the Pregnancy" book for baby #3, and at the rate I'm going, even if I manage to purchase it, I will not write in it. So here are some things I want to remember should I ever have time in my life for such activity.

  • Conceived--mid-January 2009
  • Took cheap pregnancy test -- Monday, Feb 9th
  • Took 2nd, more expensive and far more reliable pregnancy test to get same answer--Tuesday, Feb 10th
  • Started feeling pukey -- end of week, Feb 13th or so
  • Really sick from -week 5 to week 10 (stopped dry heaving in the a.m. during week 10) Felt nauseated much of the time until week 16.
  • 1st dr. visit and u/s -- Monday, March 2nd (8 weeks preggo). Weight: 132 lb
  • 2nd dr. visit -- Monday, March 30th (12 weeks preggo). Weight: 136 lb
  • 3rd dr. visit -- Monday, April 27th (16 weeks preggo). Weight: 146 lb (GOOD GOD!)
  • U/S with maternal/fetal specialist: Thursday, May 14th.
  • 4th dr. visit-- Tuesday, May 26th (20 weeks preggo). Weight: 146 lb (thank heavens!)
  • Felt movement--13 weeks
  • Felt pokes--16 weeks
  • Felt kicks-- 21 weeks


Giselle said...

Amen on the activities getting a little out of hand. When I was taking belly dancing (a-hem), I watched the other dance classes having their rehearsals. And...ew, creepy make-up on the 3 year olds with their matchy-matchy buns and...yikes...I have a girl who may do this some day...

But the boys aren't immune...A bunch of my friends signed their 5 year olds up for t-ball through the township...and it was 2 practices and a game EVERY WEEK. No way in H-E-double hockey sticks am I dragging my other children out 3 days a week for t-ball. How much do they really need to practice. And sometimes I worry that when Andrew starts soccer in the fall he'll be way behind, because the other kids have been in leagues since they were 3. Seriously? 3? Can't we just kick a ball around in the backyard?

Uh-oh. Starting to rant. Must stop.

Kelsey said...

That dance class sounds insane, I mean there is no way we could afford all that recital stuff! Harper takes gymnastics and we keep getting these flyers for "skills clinics" so the four year olds can have an hour just to practice their handstands or some other specific feat. Are you kidding me? Who are the people that can afford this stuff?

Angie said...

I'm with you on the dance thing being WAY out of hand. Of course, I'm one of those insane moms that just keeps signing them up for more. They really like it and right now its all they do - but geez, its like every month's bill has a hair bow or belt or some other costume accessory added to it. Enough already. I joked to them that I should just have our paycheck directly deposited to them, and they can just give me what little is left over!!